

作者:试管君 发布时间:2022-08-13 10:28 点击数:

  Couple sue Colorado fertility clinic over loss of embryos


  来自华盛顿州皮尔斯县的Kara Seldin-Howell和Kolton Howell在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的CNY Fertility接受了体外受精治疗,并被告知创造了七个可存活的胚胎。这对夫妇计划在冷冻胚胎之前对胚胎进行植入前基因检测。然而,在他们胚胎诞生的消息传出两天后,来自CNY的Paul Margarelli博士告诉这对夫妇,诊所工作人员无意中毁坏了所有七个胚胎。

  诉讼称:“CNY Fertility的内部实验室专业人员未能正确放置油培养基——即“模拟输卵管内部环境的滋养培养基”… …以保护胚胎并促进其生长。它继续说:“由于未能将油培养基正确放置在培养皿中,CNY Fertility导致胚胎变干并死亡。”








  这对夫妇的律师——Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane Conway&Wise的Adam Wolf认为这一事件是可以预防的:缺乏对体外受精行业的监督”。








  A US couple is suing an IVF clinic for destroying seven embryos by not storing them correctly.




  Kara Seldin-Howell and Kolton Howell from Pierce County,Washington,had IVF treatment at CNY Fertility in Colorado Springs,Colorado,and were informed that seven viable embryos were created.The couple was planning to have preimplantation genetic testing conducted on the embryos before freezing them.However,two days after the news of their embryos'creation,Dr Paul Margarelli from CNY informed the couple that clinic staff had inadvertently destroyed all seven.




  According to the lawsui'CNY Fertility's in-house laboratory professionals had failed to properly place an oil medium–the same"nourishing media that mimics the internal environment of a fallopian tube"...to preserve the embryos and facilitate their growth.'It continues:'By failing to properly place the oil medium in the petri dish,CNY Fertility caused the embryos to dry out and die.'




  The legal complaint accuses the clinic of'gross negligence and reckless acts and omissions'that led to the destruction of the embryos.Seldin-Howell described a'rollercoaster of emotions'as she and her husband discovered the news of their embryos'creation,followed almost immediately by the news of their accidental destruction.The couple claims to have suffered financial harm as well as'severe emotional trauma'as a result of the loss.




  The couple's lawyer–Adam Wolf of Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane Conway&Wise–believes the incident was preventabl'The fact that CNY Fertility could destroy our clients'embryos and only now promise to start"double-checking"laboratory work speaks volumes about the lack of oversight of the IVF industry'.